Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Warrior Leader

I was asked by a colleague to compare the skills of a warrior to that of an effective leader. This is what we observed:
(Male pronoun used for ease, but holds true for both genders)
  • He carries the vision for peace and prosperity in his heart and shares it with his people
  • He holds the courage to face anything, and the wisdom to avoid the need for war
  • He honors the Great Spirit, connecting with It often, listening for wisdom
  • He spends time in nature, reflecting on the big picture and the web of life that touches us all
  • He fosters community among his people, building bonds, knowing them well, seeing and helping them grow their gifts
  • He recognizes the power of diversity and encourages the sharing of ideas and growing leadership in others
  • He is cunning about the dance with ego and doesn't let it pull him away from center; he doesn't take things personally
  • He has a huge capacity for joy and compassion
  • His weapons (tools) are in the finest condition and he uses them with great skill whether he needs them daily or not
  • His focus and concentration are strong when he works, and when he is at rest, he rests fully
  • He takes care of his body, knowing that it is his most important tool
  • He honors the rituals that give him strength, power, humility and love
  • He does the best he can each day and doesn't worry about yesterday or tomorrow
  • He honors all creatures as his brothers/sisters and the Earth as Mother to us all
How many of these are you claiming and living for yourself?